$499.00 USD

You can request a refund no later than 5 days before the course starts.

After this date you will be given a credit to attend another workshop date within 1 year.

If you are on call and leave for a birth, you will be credited for the next workshop. I suggest being off call for this weekend. 

If you are sick, we will credit you for another workshop. 

If you have a family emergency, we will credit you for another workshop weekend. 




Midwifery Clinical Workshop/w preceptor signatures

This is for students who need a preceptor signature. 



Skills to be reviewed, demonstrated, with opportunity for Students to perform for clinical signature sign off. 


Midwife Tesa Kurin must be signed up as a clinical Preceptor in order for this to count with your school. 


This is the student's responsibility. Not the Midwifes. 



Sterile Technique


Fetal heart Tones


Administration of medications

Drawing medications

Postpartum hemorrhage 

Shoulder dystocia 

Shock emergency skills

Oxygen use 

NRP practice